TRANSFORMATION: Cosmetic Rejuvenation Acupuncture

The naso-labial fold, or "smile line," is related to maturity, joy, and character formation with life experience in Traditional Chinese physiognomy*. Lilian Bridges call it the “golden path” that signifies that you have a life purpose, and that you are living it, especially by the time you are 55.

Nevertheless, as much as we like that, we prefer a gentle hint of that evolution and wisdom on our faces.

Smiling is dominantly the actions of the levator labii superioris, zygomaticus, masseter muscles, which lifts the angle of the mouth, lips and cheeks. The patient shown here is a beautiful, healthy and joyful woman in her late 60s, and wanted her nasolabial folds to be addressed.

To reduce the depth the lines, we relieved tension in the muscles, performed local needling into the line to encourage collagen and elastin production, and supported her spleen and kidney meridians for a general lift and seamless aging.

You can see that only 1 treatment, the nasolabial folds are less deep, and theres a general improvement in the fine lines and complexion. Just like any other acupuncture treatment, the results are cumulative to maintain the momentum of collagen/elastin production and cell turnover.

DM me or check out my website (link in bio), or @acucollective if you want to learn more, or to book a consultation!

Origin: late Middle English: from Old French phisonomie, via medieval Latin from Greek phusiognōmonia ‘judging of a man's nature (by his features)’, based on gnōmōn ‘a judge, interpreter’. (Google Dictionary)


Silver Ear/ Snow Fungus


GB31: Wind Market