Optimizing your health and wellness to evolve seamlessly through the transformations in your life is at the heart of my practice.

I provide a safe and unique treatment experience using a modern blend of modalities grounded in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The modalities include sports medicine, fire cupping, Gua Sha, Acutonics, auricular therapy (ear seeds), and TCM herbal & dietary therapy.

My own journey to improve my health and quality of life led me to my first acupuncture treatment, which opened my world up to a holistic perspective of wellbeing. A few years later, I left a 10 year corporate career to pursue a diploma in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, during which time I interned closely with A Master. The internship not only pushed me to refine my education and skills, it gave me invaluable experience that still I carry within my work everyday.

In my current practice, I have noticed that integrating Acutonics into my classic TCM acupuncture treatments added depth and relaxation to each experience with notably positive results.

A personal interest in wellnesss, motherhood, and love of clean beauty and skincare has led me to pursue further certification and training with world renowned Acupuncture and Acutonics experts.

I am the founder of Ramsay Acupuncture & Wellness, and also currently practicing at Acupuncture Collective.

If I am not at either clinics, I am trying to go on adventures, keep up with my family, friends and two dogs, or snacking.

Additional Learning with: Michelle Gellis, Giovani Macioca, Theresa Lee & Will Morris, Mary Elizabeth Wakefield & MichelAngelo , CT Holman, Michelle Meramour