Why You Should Get Cosmetic Acupuncture in Your 20-30s

For those of you in your 20-30s, getting Cosmetic Rejuvenation Acupuncture is like wearing sunscreen - for PREVENTION.

Prevention is the heart of Traditional Chinese medicine. 

Youth is inexplicably on your side during this time in your life, when you mistakenly believe that you are invincible (I definitely did). 

In addition to environmental stressors on our skin (i.e. the sun), our habits and patterns of holding our faces and expressing our joy, frustration, grief and worry contribute to the tension and/or laxity of our facial muscles, leading to lines, and the state of our complexion and epidermal health. 

In a cosmetic acupuncture treatment with me, we will not only work on internal imbalances (digestion, sleep, mental health, circulation, hormones, fertility, etc.), sports medicine will also be applied to the facial muscles to help relax or activate the musculature of your face to prevent the premature stretching, folding or sagging of skin. Acupuncture has also shown to encourage overall cellular renewal, which inevitably also prevents cosmetic concerns such as hyperpigmentation, oil production, skin texture and acne.

By maintaining equilibrium in your overall health with a cosmetic acupuncture routine, you’ll be flourishing with great sleep, efficient detox processes (aka lower systemic inflammation), excellent circulation and also be hormonally supported. All of that will allow you to hold on to precious collagen and elastin in your skin, and also enjoy an elevated quality of life.


The First “Needles”